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減肥酵素推薦 》詠樂芯國際:探索革命性減肥產品的秘密


每天尷尬地便秘問題,小腹凸起的大腹便便樣子,不僅讓穿衣服時感覺不美觀,就連肌膚也出現了膚色蠟黃黯淡的問題 、臉上跟身題還冒出不禮貌的痘痘!

減肥酵素推薦 》詠樂芯國際:探索革命性減肥產品的秘密



減肥酵素推薦 》詠樂芯國際:探索革命性減肥產品的秘密



減肥酵素推薦 》詠樂芯國際:探索革命性減肥產品的秘密


現代人的飲食問題,我們實在很難從食物中獲得人體所需的全方位營養,但纖淨優酵酵素錠,成功的讓我們輕鬆地解決了這個難題,酵素錠不但幫我們顧好了健康,也管看了好身材!讓我們天天都可以保持腸胃道的健康,跟過去的宿便跟胖肚子說再見拜拜,永別 永遠不見 因為我有了〜纖淨優酵酵素錠。

FB: 詠樂芯國際yonglesin
IG: yonglesin77



烏黑凄迷路, 孤身悄然行。 只見嫦娥影, 并無半顆星。 些許吃酒客, 燈下杯不停。 俱是離家人, 分別兩樣情。 >>>更多美文:格律詩

公 園 一塊老式牌匾 像一塊鍋盔 被城市一口一口啃下 消化得 只剩下地圖上一個點 釘子一樣 扎進歷史深處 Park An old-style plaque Is like a piece of crusty pancake Gnawed bit after bit by the city Digested Into a mere point on the map Like a nail Driven into the depth of history 海 子 一趟開往春天的列車 載滿卸不下的心事 在半路出軌 面朝大海 不見春暖花開 一首詩 在生與死之間 來回穿行 Haizi * A train bound for Spring Loaded with a heart blue and gray Was derailed halfway Facing the sea Unable to see blooms in warm spring A poem Travels to and fro Between life and death 常寧宮 來頭不小的風 大搖大擺進了長安城 玉蘭花火急火燎盛開著 鳥兒故意弄出很大的聲響 小草在一陣雨縱容下 把尾巴翹得很高 常寧宮從此再不安寧 Changning Palace * The fierce wind, with powerful backing Struts into Chang'an* Magnolia burst into blooms frantically Birds make loud noises on purpose Indulged by showers of rain Little grasses stick up high their tails Changning Palace is no longer peaceful 春 分 把春天放在案板上 一刀剁成兩截 沒有比這更公平了 黑與白 均分了整個天下 瞬間過后 陽光開始傾斜 夢越來越短 花開得快 落起來更快 Spring Equinox Spring is put on a chopping board And cut into two halves Nothing is fairer than this Black and white Thus equally shared the whole world A moment later The sun begins to shine slant Dreams become shorter and shorter Flowers bloom fast Fade and fall even sooner 杏 花 每一棵樹 都挺著十個月的身孕 在陽光催促下 把春天分娩 含苞待放的花骨朵 仿佛一群新生的嬰兒 爬滿枝頭 風再多吹幾下 就會掉下來 Apricot Blossoms Each tree Bulging with a ten-month pregnancy Urged by the sunshine Gives birth to Spring All the buds eager to bloom Like a covey of new-born babies Flock onto branches And are likely to fall If blown a few times more by the wind 小面館 油煙熏黑了 十五瓦的燈泡 老板娘撩起圍裙 把雙手簡單擦了一下 一碗扯面就幾瓣蒜 油潑辣子調濃故鄉的味道 往事被一聲飽嗝隨身帶走 帶不走的 就坐在靠墻的木桌上 A Little Noodle House Fume darkened The 15-walt bulb The lady owner lifted up her apron Wiped her hands briefly A bowl of pulled noodles with a few garlic cloves Chili oil thickened the hometown flavor All past memory is gone with a burp What cannot be taken Is seated on the wooden table against the wall 杏 花 剛下車 她們便齊刷刷圍過來 躲在遠處偷看的 是幾只蝴蝶 小鳥說著幾句變味的鄉音 蜜蜂打聲招呼扭頭便走 我隨手從枝頭摘下 一些贊美 送給路過的親人 Apricot Blossoms Soon as I was off the bus A throng of them rushed over to surround me Some butterflies Peeped at a distance Little birds spoke in distorted local accent Bees turned away after greeting I plucked some praise at random From branches And gave them to the passing kinsfolks 三 月 梨花搜腸刮肚 從辭海里撈起一大堆詞 一再表白 春風移情別戀 愛上一枝出墻的紅杏 花蝴蝶腳踩兩只船 在紅白喜事之間 奔來跑去 March Pear blossom searches her mind And fishes up words from dictionary To repeat her confession The vernal breeze passes his affection To a red apricot blossom sticking out of the wall A colorful butterfly sits on the fence Running to and fro Between the red weddings and white funerals 瞄 準 翻出一些名字 寫在靶子上 不停地調整準星 練習瞄準 一輩子 從沒打過一槍 Aiming Some names are dug up And written on the target I adjust the front sight again and again Practicing my aiming Though all my life Not a single shot have I fired 蟬 鳴 仿佛架在枝頭的高音喇叭 扯開嗓子 對唱著一首走調的山歌 用尖叫壓低了城市的吵鬧 或一臺大馬力的電鋸 咬住黃昏的骨頭 割斷一個游子與故鄉的鏈接 寂寞坐在一把木椅上 像一座挪不走的雕塑 Cicada Chirping Like a loudspeaker mounted on a tree At the top of their lungs They sing a duet of a folk song out of tune Muffling the urban noise Or a high-power electric saw with shrills Biting tight the bone of twilight Cutting off the linkage between a roamer and his hometown Silence sits on a wooden chair Like a statue that cannot be moved 人 生 一輩子 被命挾持 拄著一根越磨越短的光陰 把身體搬進鏡框 在一片哭聲里 銷聲匿跡 Life A life Is seized by Fate Supported by a walking stick worn down by time It moves its body into a picture frame And vanishes Amid wails 土特產 它們跟土混為一談 就像童年的小伙伴 或拐彎抹角的遠房親戚 打斷骨頭連著筋 我在一堆土特產里 看到母親的影子 Local Products They lump together with earth Like childhood playmates Or some distant relatives far flung Sinews are still connected though bones broken In heaps of local products I saw the figure of Mom 離 別 老屋瘦得 剩下幾根骨頭 靠一縷陽光硬撐著 往事像一把木椅 蹲在墻角 在我扭身要走的時候 母親從鏡框里伸出手來 緊拽住我的衣襟 Parting The old house was so thin Only a few bones are left Held up barely by a ray of sunshine The past was like a wooden chair Squatting in the corner When I turned to leave Mom reached out her hand from the picture frame Caught fast the edge of my shirt 虛 假 每天一睜眼 我就將我塞進 一面鏡子 然后取出另一個我 小心地放到 戲臺上 在這個虛假的人間 他只是個替身 Falsity Each day I wake up And stuff myself Into a mirror And take another me out And place it with caution On the stage In this double-dealing world He is but a substitute 父 親 穿一件黑色的粗布衫 從鏡框里走出來 端坐在堂屋的木椅上 月光握一把老式的手電筒 照在他的臉上 打眼一看 多像我的兄弟 Father In a black coarse-cotton shirt Father walks out of the picture frame And sits on the wooden chair in the living room Moonlight, with an old-style flashlight in hand Shines on his face At a glance How he looks like my brother 空也靜:原名魏彥烈,青海省作協會員。出版詩集《格桑花開》、《草原情歌》、《仰望昆侖》、《風舞經幡》、漢英雙語《輪回》等多部。獲昆侖文藝獎,唐蕃古道文學獎,詩歌春晚“全國十佳詩人”稱號。詩觀:快樂生活,安靜寫詩。 李正栓 北京大學文學博士,英國斯特靈大學榮譽博士,英美文學教授,博士生導師,教育部外國語言文學類教學指導委員會英語分委員會委員、教育部高等學校翻譯專業教學協作組成員、國務院學位辦第三屆全國翻譯專業學位研究生教育指導委員會學術委員會委員、中國英漢語比較研究會常務理事、中國英漢語比較研究會典籍英譯委員會常務副會長兼秘書長,中國譯協理事、河北省翻譯學會會長。主要學術興趣為英美詩歌、中英詩歌互譯。 >>>更多美文:自創詩

看見明天我沒有變你世界, 走在我路上給你天空。 問過我大海找到你青春, 說出我故事等你海邊。 >>>更多美文:自創詩



減肥酵素錠推薦 》瘦身新趨勢:為什麼越來越多人選擇詠樂芯國際?


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